349 Chapters

Our Mission and Vision

The World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU) is an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) associated with the UN Department of Public Information…..

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Our Leadership

Throughout the year, we organize multiple events and gatherings that serve as platforms for connection, celebration, and fundraising. These events enable us to give back to the community….

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Become A Member

If you are of Lebanese descent and aspire to be part of a global initiative, joining the WLCU World will be a rewarding choice that allows you to actively contribute and make a meaningful difference……

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Guilda Asmar

President’s Letter

Dear Members and Supporters,
I, Guilda Asmar, proudly serve as the President of the WLCU Greater Los Angeles Chapter. As we embark on another year of promoting Lebanese culture, I want to share some of our remarkable initiatives.
Founded in 1960, the WLCU is an independent International Non-governmental Organization dedicated to showcasing Lebanese heritage worldwide. With over 200 chapters globally, we connect Lebanese individuals from all walks of life.
Our flagship program, LEBolution, brings together 200 young men and women to foster their Lebanese identity and build lasting bonds. Additionally, our ESSAY program provides scholarships to students of different backgrounds and ages.
Through events and gatherings, we raise funds and support various causes. At our recent event, we donated to Evolve, empowering women through education in Lebanon.
I’m excited to announce our upcoming Gala, the Courage Award, honoring Dr. Philip Salem, an international statesman in cancer medicine. We aim to raise funds to support cancer patients in Lebanon.
To achieve our goal, we seek sponsors for our Gala, offering recognition at the event and on our website. By joining forces, we can make a tangible difference in the lives of cancer patients.
Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment. Your involvement is crucial in uplifting our community and preserving our heritage.
Join us on this journey to support cancer patients in Lebanon. Together, we can offer hope, strength, and financial relief to those facing the challenges of cancer.
With heartfelt appreciation,
Guilda Asmar
President, WLCU Greater Los Angeles Chapter
Learn More On WLCU LA

We Support Our Youth

The energy and passion of the youth are igniting a transformative wave of engagement as they actively participate in various initiatives and causes. With a shared sense of purpose and an unwavering belief in their ability to make a difference, the youth are stepping forward to shape a brighter future. Their voices are being heard, their ideas are being valued, and their actions are inspiring change. Whether it’s through advocacy, community service, or innovative projects, the youth are demonstrating their commitment to creating a more inclusive and equitable world. Their involvement serves as a powerful reminder that the leaders of tomorrow are already emerging today, driven by a collective determination to leave a positive and lasting impact on our society.

We Can Help Rebuild Lebanon For The Better

We are thrilled to announce that the time has come to apply for LEBolution 2023! After three years of anticipation, young Lebanese descendants from all corners of the world have expressed their interest, and we have diligently worked to make this transformative journey a reality.

LEB·o·lu·tion represents a global movement, a revolution of the mind, and a source of empowerment for Lebanon and its young diaspora.

Kindly note that applications submitted after December 17th will be placed on a waiting list. So, without further delay, let’s embark on this exciting journey together! YALLA!

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Lets Build WLCU’s Dream Together!

Fundraising Projects

Cancer Project

Our aim till the end of the year is to provide support and relief to at least 100 cancer patients in Lebanon, with a donation of $1000 each. We are working with Barbara Nasar Organization, New Humanity, and United World Project.

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2023 Student Scholarship

A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to one student of each of the 3 divisions for 1st place. For second place a $500 scholarship to one student of each of the 3 divisions.


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Donate To Solar Program

Your support for our Solar Program in Lebanon is greatly appreciated. With your generous contribution, we can advance clean and sustainable energy solutions, reduce emissions, and create a brighter future.

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Any questions?
Get in touch

Have any questions regarding our mission or if you would like to volunteer than please contact us as we are in pursuit of ambassadors.

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Our 2023 Courage Award Gala

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2024 WLCU LA Chapter

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